Become a member

RFSLPhoto: Eveline Johnsson

RFSL does sexual policy opinion forming and branches all over Sweden create important social meeting spaces. RFSL works for LGBTQI people, but of course, everybody who wants to support LGBTQI people's rights are welcome!

By becoming a member of RFSL you support not only our sexual policy work, you also gain access to the activities arranged locally within RFSL Dalarna. With you as a member we get stronger in advocating issues that should be self-evident.

RFSL works for LGBTQI people’s rights, but we welcome all who want to support our work.

Yes, please! I want to become a member.

Thank you for supporting RFSL’s work for LGBTQI people’s rights!

Pay for your membership in RFSL here as a new member and if you want to prolong your membership. You can pay via direct debit, bank giro or credit or debit card.

As a member of RFSL, you get:

  • The organisation’s paper KomUt! We also publish the online magazine K-online.
  • The opportunity to log in at the organisation’s member pages where you can find other members of RFSL.
  • The branch’s member information by post or email.
  • The right to participate in the organisation’s different events, like congress, courses and conferences.
  • Involvement both in the branch and the organisation’s operation.

Price of membership:

One calendar year 100:-

If you don’t want to/can’t pay via the internet:

Deposit 100:- at bank giro account 5824-1944. State your date of birth, first and last name, and complete address. Branch: Dalarna

Phone number, mobile phone and possibly email address

Prolong your membership:

If you have a transfer order form with an OCR number, use it. Otherwise, deposit the membership fee at bank giro 5824-1944 and state your membership number.